Deck the halls, let the bells ring out, follow the star, and bring gifts. Just not that shit you brought last year. We still can’t get the taste out of our mouths. It’s worse than that time I held a special summer camp for choirboys accidentally left the communion wafers in a hot car. Just like that time, Christmas can be a time for sin, especially gluttony, and so it falls to me, the most revered Reverend, to once again open the Last Movie Outpost Confession Booth at Christmas.
The most wayward of souls are always welcome.
Christmas time is a busy time for esteemed members of the clergy such as me. There really is no rest for the wicked and you keep us very, very busy with your wickedness. There is even a movie called Wicked out right now. You people aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
You know who else never rests at Yuletide? The Goddess Gal Gadot who once more prepares to feast on your sins like you will feast on leftover turkey for the rest of this week. Hark, for she approacheth, like some kind of sexy baby Jesus.
To maintain the festive theme today’s confession is simple. From the arrival of Elf in New York to the climax of It’s A Wonderful Life, what Christmas scene in a movie brings you joy at this family time?
What is your favorite Christmas movie moment?
This is mine, because I am basically wrong in the head.
Over to you. Like a swarm of deviant Christmas elves after too much icing sugar at the North Pole Christmas party, you must confess… CONFESS!
And Merry Christmas from the Church of Last Movie Outpost.
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