Max has premiered the first trailer for the fifth season of its acclaimed animated comedy series “Harley Quinn” which returns with all new episodes on January 16th. The fifth season of Harley Quinn finds Harley and Ivy in a new location: Metropolis! – the home of all things Superman, Lois
Aardman & Pokemon Team On Special Project
The Pokemon Company and award-winning animation studio Aardman have announced that they will collaborate on a “special project” in the coming years. Said project will reportedly arrive for audiences sometime in 2027 and will see “Aardman bringing their unique style of storytelling to the Pokémon universe in brand-new adventures”. The
Trailer: Ferrell, Witherspoon In “You’re Cordially Invited”
Amazon Prime Video has shared the official trailer for the new comedy film “You’re Cordially Invited” starring Emmy winners Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon When two weddings are accidentally booked on the same day at the same venue, each bridal party is challenged with preserving their family’s special moment while
Blu-ray Review: Abruptio
Sometimes when I watch a film on home video, I imagine what sort of theater should I have seen it inside. Classic movies cry out to be seen at restored movie palace. A few would have been so much better at the Rialto art house. Most films are just normal
Shetland Series 9 Ending Explained: Who Killed Annie & Bergen?
Warning: contains finale spoilers for Shetland series nine. Forget Professor Rossi and the world of spies, forget the mussel farming Harris men, forget Stefan Jakobson and Dr Mohan and their illicit experiments. Forget even the thankfully incorrect theory that young Noah Bett was the one who pulled the trigger on