ABC is reportedly working on a second spin-off of its hit police procedural series “The Rookie” with the new show being written by creator Alexi Hawley. The original series, which will premiere its seventh season on January 7th, follows Nathan Fillion’s John Nolan who switches careers to become the oldest
“Mufasa” Director Done With CG Animated Films
After “Moonlight” landed him the Best Picture Oscar back in 2016, filmmaker Barry Jenkins followed that up with another prestige title, “If Beale Street Could Talk,” which nabbed acclaim and script nominations. He then went on to create and direct Amazon’s Peabody Award-winning TV series “The Underground Railroad” which scored
AFI Sets Its Top 10 Films & TV Of 2024
The American Film Institute has announced its annual Top 10 films of 2024 list and the choices are being touted as being very close to what we’ll likely see as the Oscar Best Picture nominee list when that’s announced next month. The ten that made the list for this year:
Elizabeth Olsen Joins Esmail’s “Panic Carefully”
The Scarlet Witch herself, actress Elizabeth Olsen, is set to join Julia Roberts in the paranoid thriller feature “Panic Carefully” at Warner Bros. Pictures. “Mr. Robot” creaotr Sam Esmail is set to direct from his own script with the studio committed to a theatrical release. “Panic Carefully” is said to
The “Scrubs” Reboot Officially In The Works
A reboot of ABC medical comedy “Scrubs” is officially in development at ABC and 20th Television. The original series ran for nine seasons from 2001-10 on NBC and later ABC. Series creator Bill Lawrence is returning for the project which has been teased and discussed by Lawerence and the show’s