Filmmaker David Ayer has been upfront about his frustrations over the handling of his 2016 DC Comics adaptation “Suicide Squad” over the years.

Ayer’s original version of the film was tonally a very different movie to the theatrical film – the title famously taken out of his hands by the studio and recut by the group who did the film’s memorable trailers.

The Ayer version reportedly had no radio music drops, more traditional character arcs and a quite different third act. For a while Ayer tried to push for a release of it before ultimately giving up on that earlier this year saying he’s “done with DC”.

He did come out of the woodwork the other day though to shoot down one fan theory – namely that the studio decided to recut the film after poor test screenings. Ayer shut that rumor down right away, saying on X:

“Nope. Not true at all. I made a drama. Studio wanted a comedy. Madness ensued. My cut was never tested or screened for an audience.”

“Suicide Squad” released in 2016 and ended up making $749.2 million off a $175 million budget, the kind of numbers many superhero films these days would kill to get.

The post Ayer: They Never Test Screened “Suicide Squad” appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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