We have been talking about it when discussing The Batman and The Penguin here at Last Movie Outpost. How, after making a complete, confusing mess of the DCEU, Warner Bros. could be about to do the same thing again with confusing multiple Batmen and a second universe existing outside of the new, main, DCU.
Once The Penguin added layers to Matt Reeves’ version of Gotham City we were open to the idea of The Batman universe being folded into the new DCU. Some outposters said they wouldn’t be surprised to see The Batman sequel and Elseworlds universe canceled.
It turns out we weren’t the only ones talking about this out there in the online movie world. Others were commenting about it, and as things do online, rumor, opinion, and heresy took on a life of their own and became assumed as fact.
As he is pretty well plugged into the fanverse, it didn’t take long for all this talk to come to the attention of DC Studios chief James Gunn. With fans unable to process The Batman existing alongside Andy Muschietti’s The Brave and the Bold version of Batman, and with Matt Reeves apparently not having shown his script to Warner Bros. suits yet, the noise began to grow and Gunn intervened on Threads:
“Like why would you even believe a rando on social networking? Of course not. If it was canceled it would be canceled. Who has time for charades? I’ve been one of Matt’s biggest cheerleaders for years – since Cloverfield and the Apes’ movies. We are eagerly awaiting his script.”
The Batman: Part II is expected to film next year for an October 2026 release.
The post THE BATMAN II Is Not Canceled appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.