Paramount Pictures has released a new trailer for its historical drama “September 5” about the hostage crisis that happened during the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics. The film follows an American Sports broadcasting team that quickly adapted from sports reporting to live coverage of the Israeli athletes taken hostage. The story
Erivo: “Wicked” Fans Can Sing In Cinemas
The debate about cinemagoing audience conduct and whether people should be singing during screenings of “Wicked” continued today as one of the film’s stars weighed in. Cynthia Erivo, who plays leading lady Elphaba in the film, was asked about it during an interview at Thursday’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade broadcast
Vin Diesel Wants “Fast XI” To Go Old School
It’s Thanksgiving in the United States today with many on a holiday break and quite a few visiting family. While some are de-stressing, others are going the opposite way. Actor/producer Vin Diesel is one of those ones having a rough time it seems. In a posting on Instagram, the actor
Chris Nolan Is A Big “Dune: Part Two” Fan
Filmmaker Christopher Nolan moderated an awards for your consideration (FYC) conversation with fellow director Denis Villeneuve recently following a screening of “Dune: Part Two” for awards consideration reports Variety. Nolan took the opportunity to rave about the sequel, saying: “I watched the second half and I think it’s a miraculous
RUMOR: ‘Question’ Series Is In Early Development For The DC Universe
Someone in the DC Universe is begging the Question! A new rumor suggests a series is being developed based on the daring detective. With the recent announcement that a Sgt. Rock film is in development for the DC Universe, it’s clear that no character is off limits to adapt in