Gather my children, into the Church of the Last Movie Outpost and be ready for confession. It’s that time of year when all good, kind religious people decide it’s OK to worship the Devil. And why not? The Devil has better music, free heating and pick forks are handier than you think.
There’s nothing scary in here unless you’re under 12, this is a safe (ish) place. If there is anything that scares you, don’t worry, the Goddess Gal Gadot will take those fears away.
Halloween is a scary time of the year. I say that, but it’s not real fear, like who will become president or nuclear war. It is fake fear, like ghosts and demons.
This time the confession is about horror, which has always been a staple of the movie industry and it does fascinate moviegoers. Some movies are created for pure fear, The Exorcist for example. Then some movies are made scary by accident.
As a kid, before you learn that scary things aren’t real, like vampires or Michael Jackson. When you watched a movie as a kid, with a scary moment, it would scar you for life. Jaws kept people out of the sea, and swimming pools, for many years.
Personally, I still remember seeing Close Encounters as a kid. The bit at the end with all the aliens coming out of the spaceship scared the living piss out of me. I still remember hiding behind the sofa and glancing through my fingers.
So, for this Halloween confession:
What Movie Traumatised you as a kid?
Confess what scared you from a harmless movie or TV show. Did the computer making that lady into a robot in Superman 3 scare you? Can you ever Return to Oz? Did the alien walking past the camera in Signs put you off aliens? Give us your confession!
The post A Halloween CONFESSION BOOTH Judges Your Childhood Trauma appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.