I was going to review Am I Racist? This is the newest movie from Matt Walsh, but instead we had a review from an Outposter. Not sure if I have seen this person in the Disqus, but it’s nice to have these kinds of contributions. I haven’t read the review fully, but I’m sure it’s fine.
Outposter Review
Hello Last Movie Outpost, you bunch of sexist bigots!
My name is Bobina Philomena-Huntington-Snobjaw and I have a PhD in Gender Studies, majoring in the application of Critical Race Theory and DEI in the Workplace. I knew that you evil white men would only have one view of Am I Racist? I was literally shaking and I knew this.
So here is an honest, unbiased review of the terrible, racist, bigoted movie. Matt Walsh is a white male, using his white male privilege to force his opinion down the throats of us innocent and oppressed women and people of color.
I self-identify as an Indigenous person of color living on stolen land. I can honestly say that Walsh is a racist, there is no doubt in my mind. He makes fun of people I admire and tries to “call them out” using such racist tools as facts and logic.
Yes, there are people in the movie who make money from teaching D.E.I. and Critical Race Theory. My good, close friends Regina Jackson and Saira Rao, well, I say close friends. I mean that I have read their book and they feel like we would be friends.
Anyway, Regina and Saira do charge about $5,000 to sit at a table with white women and call them racist. These women need to hear that though, so they can suppress their whiteness. Also, Regina and Saira need the money as they literally cannot get work anywhere else, because of the patriarchy.
The way Walsh also “makes fun” of others that do the same had me shaking with anger. In fact, I’m going to WhatsApp Daddy, who’s a lawyer in New York, and get him to take this video off the internet! He can do it!
I know that none of you white bigoted males will care about the opinion of a former white woman who now identifies as an Indigenous person of color living on stolen land. But you should all stay away from this movie and try and stretch out your whiteness, like Matt shows at the beginning of the video.
I can’t take any more of this, I’m going to have the left-hand side of my head shaved and the remaining hair dyed even bluer to vent my anger.
Back to Boba
Well, OK, seems a bit harsh. I liked Am I Racist? I like Matt Walsh as he calls out people who are making race an issue. 10 or 20 years ago, race wasn’t really that big a thing. It felt as if we had all managed to move past that together. Nowadays, he’s everywhere and if you disagree, you’re racist.
Am I Racist? is worth a watch. Some of the footage is unbelievable, right up to the point where Matt is holding a workshop. He instructs the people to self-flagellate and some of them were going to do it!
It was interesting that he tried to take D.E.I to a biker bar in the sticks. The people there just don’t care about race, it’s not an issue. They have friends that are every color under the sun and they don’t care. It’s almost like the media, and bored middle-aged (mostly white) women are just trying to force race as an issue. That can’t be true though… can it?
Don’t listen to Bobina, I think you should watch Am I Racist? It’s the best comedy I have seen in a while. She didn’t leave any rating for the star, most of the rest of the email was her talking about the privilege of my penis.
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