“A boy’s best friend is his mother” is a quote from which famous 1960 psychological horror movie?
PsychoVillage of the DamnedHouse of UsherPeeping Tom
Which of these is NOT a rule to successfully survive a horror movie, according to Wes Craven’s Scream (1996)?
Don’t wear a red shirtDon’t say “I’ll be right back,” “Hello?” or “Who’s there?”Don’t drink or do drugsDon’t have sex
The main antagonist in Netflix’s true crime-inspired Mindhunter is Dennis Lynn Rader, a real-life serial killer who gave himself which three letter nickname?
In Killing Eve, Jodie Comer plays international hitwoman Villanelle (a codename she takes from a bottle of French perfume), but what IS a villanelle?
A 19-line poetic form consisting of five three-line and one four-line stanzasA poisonous species of Eurasian snakeA traditional Russian polka danceA tiny holiday villa that only sleeps one
Demi Moore, Jennifer Grey and Courteney Cox reportedly auditioned for the role of Nancy Thompson in A Nightmare on Elm Street, but which actor played her?
Heather LangenkampJamie Lee CurtisBetsy BakerAdrienne King
What type of animal was Misery, Annie Wilkes’ “favourite beast in the whole world” in the Rob Reiner-directed 1990 horror movie with which she shares her name?
Real-life Nebraskan killers Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate inspired the characters in Terence Malick’s Badlands, as well as which Oliver Stone movie?
Natural Born Killers (1994)U-Turn (1997)Born on the Fourth of July (1989)Wall Street (1987)
Wall Street banker and serial killer Patrick Bateman in American Psycho (2000) is a huge fan of which 1980s musician, father to the star of Netflix’s Emily in Paris?
Phil CollinsBonoStingTony Hadley
Joe, the central stalker and serial killer in Netflix thriller You is played by Penn Badgley, an actor best known for a role in which 2000s teen TV drama?
Gossip GirlThe OCOne Tree HillGilmore Girls
Which of these is NOT the title of an existing or in-development Dexter spinoff?
Dexter: Red DragonDexter: New BloodDexter: Original SinDexter: Resurrection
Wes Craven was reportedly inspired by whom when he created the name Freddy Krueger?
His childhood bullyHis childhood teddy bearHis next-door neighborA real-life serial killer
In David Fincher’s 1995 movie Se7en, the film’s final two murders signify which two Deadly Sins?
Envy and WrathGluttony and PrideLust and SlothGreed and Lust
What kind of mind seeks to extinguish life? Moreover, what kind of mind seeks to watch movies and TV shows about the kind of minds that seek to extinguish life? We’re all sick little puppies is the answer. Horror fans, crime fans, true crime fans… everybody is begrimed. So let’s cleanse our souls by doing something wholesome: a quiz. What could be nicer than clicking on answers a,b,c, or d and racking our memory to pull up the name of the actor who played Pennywise the clown in the 1990 TV movie of Stephen King‘s It*?
Every Wednesday at 7am EST and 12pm BST, please enjoy 12 original questions written by a human and not an AI, for you to test yourself against. See how you go and share your results below. In the future, who knows, you may be top of the Den of Geek leaderboard and the winner of a cuddly toy.
*It was Tim Curry. That’s not one of the questions above.
The post The Den of Geek Weekly Quiz! Movie & TV Killers appeared first on Den of Geek.