Warner Bros. Pictures has premiered the official trailer for the documentary “Super/Man” about the late Christopher Reeve. The film follows the late actor’s rise to superstardom as Superman, along with his fight to find a cure for spinal cord injuries after he became a quadriplegic after a horse riding accident.
“One Piece” Team Pushed Back On Rushing
In adapting the manga & anime “One Piece” into a live-action series, the creators have to deal with the fact that they have enough material for at least 12-15 seasons. So it becomes a question of how faithfully you adapt material and whether judicious cuts should be made to not
Anime NYC 2024 Returns With Terminator Zero, New Shonen, Cosplay, and More
Anime and Japanese pop culture aficionados were blown away by a weekend of cosplay, concerts, and unbridled fandom – with a touch of renegade robot uprisings and alien invasions thrown in for good measure – at Anime NYC 2024. Ever since its inauguration in 2017, LeftField Media’s Anime NYC has
James Gunn Shares First Photo Of Skyler Gisondo As Jimmy Olsen In ‘Superman’
Jimmy Olsen is heading back to the big screen! James Gunn shares the first official look at Skyler Gisondo as Superman’s best pal in the DC Universe. Over the past few months fans have been frothing at the mouth over Superman set photos that show off the heroes of the
The Weekly Round-Up #768 w/ Black Cloak #7, Ultimate Spider-Man #8, Wolverine: Revenge #1, Wonder Woman #12 and more
Best Comic of the Week: Black Cloak #7 – Black Cloak is one of the best new comics to be published this decade. I loved the first arc, and the extensive world building that Kelly Thompson and Meredith McClaren engaged in to make this fantastical world feel real. With the