Syfy has officially cancelled the horror comedy series “Reginald The Vampire” after two seasons reports TV Line.

Based on the book series by Johnny B. Truant, “Spider-Man” co-star Jacob Batalon plays Reginald Andres, a man who – in a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires – tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero.

He will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can’t be with, a bully manager at work and the vampire chieftain who wants him dead.

Fortunately, Reginald discovers he has a few unrecognized powers of his own. Savannah Basley, Em Haine, Mandela Van Peebles, Jeremiah Chechik and Harley Peyton also starred in the series which aired its series finale on July 10th.

The cancellation comes after Syfy moved “Resident Alien” to USA Nework, and the fate of “Chucky” is still to be determined.

Harley Peyton, Jeremiah Chechik, Todd Berger, Lindsay Macadam, Brett Burlock and Peter Emerson executive produce.

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