So if you saw my last post on what was going on with the site, you know about panels. In essence, it’s the management software behind creating a website. And boy oh boy was it giving me problems. In the end, I replaced it entirely. So those of you who have websites or are familiar with WHM/CPanel, an expensive little piece of s**t, you know what I’m talking about. It’s got issues and every night it was doing… something. I think the scheduled task was “efff Up the Entire Website Nightly” job.

So it’s gone. I found an open source free one that while it doesn’t have nearly the options CPanel has, it has exactly what we need to run a website. And it’s been fine ever since.

I know it’s been frustrating. From an old techie like me, having something make zero sense and keep breaking even though I kept removing a possibility was really beating me down. I came this close to throwing in the towel. The CPanel was the only thing left that was the same across two hosts and different Linux OS’s and a bunch of other stuff.

I’m beginning to wonder if past issues we had with the site were related to this. CPanel seems to be the defacto utility used on web hosting servers, whether you have your own server (we do) or shared services (how we started in the beginning.) But like Windows, IOS, Android, and various other “default” software, I think it all gets too bloated for its own good.

So we’ll see, but we’ve had a couple of weeks of actually working solidly. In fact, performance has never been better.

There’s more to come, I’m finally doing my Star Trek reviews, look for them to come in August. Stark is still an article machine. Boba Phil and Wrenage continue their contributions.

I’d like to thank Boba for his work on redesigning the site. Also RachelIsBack for his attempting to help us with his knowledge, it was much appreciated, as well as all of you for your patience. Let’s make LMO the best news and review website on the intertubes!

The post Tech Wrap Up appeared first on Last Movie Outpost.

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