Marvel Studios first announced “Daredevil: Born Again” as a surprisingly long 18-episode series with the plan being to shoot from February to December 2023 for airing sometime this year.

Then the strikes happened and, with only a few episodes in the can, Marvel opted to scrap and creatively retool the entire series into something else – one much more a direct sequel to its Netflix predecessor.

The showrunners were replaced, actors from the old series brought back and a whole lot of resetting of the board with some of the footage shot prior to the retool expected to be saved and reworked.

Filming began on the retooled version in January, but then came the surprising news that it had wrapped by April which seemed fast. What wasn’t clear throughout all this was if the retool had impacted the episode count.

Daniel RPK now has cleared up the confusion. The series is indeed continuing with its 18-episode original plan, split into two seasons of nine episodes each. Thus the first season, the one partly shot before the retool, is what wrapped in April.

The scooper says the remaining nine-episode second season will begin filming this Fall and will continue through until mid-2025.

The first season of “Daredevil: Born Again” is scheduled to premiere on Disney+ next March with the second season likely to arrive in 2026.

The post “Daredevil: Born Again” S2 Sets Fall Shoot? appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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