Are we back? Too early to say. We thought we had it licked a couple of times before, only for strange overnight technical shenanigans to hit the reset button in entirely the wrong way. So excuse us if we don’t declare victory or make any promises just yet.
What I do know is that Drunken Yoda and Boba Phil have been working like mofos behind the scenes on all sorts of technical wonderment, and they have been doing this alongside full-time jobs and real-life distractions.
Meanwhile, Wrenage and I have been pacing back and forth like Darth Maul behind an energy shield. Pops has lost his pencil case. We must check the lost property box at the old host.
We haven’t seen the most reverend Reverend for weeks, but there is a strange smell coming from the Confession Booth… and some grunting.
What we do know is that we missed you, our Outposters, very much. So here is an open thread for everyone to get caught up. Tell us what you have been up to, and the horrors of actually having to spend time outside among the normies whole we were working to fix this shit.
In the meantime, please do not be alarmed if you see some things change around you as we reinstall themes, plug-ins, templates, and artwork one piece at a time. We are testing and checking as we go.
Thank you for your patience. As with all Open Threads, anything goes as long as it’s not illegal or vicious. Or viciously illegal.
Have at it, glorious Outposters!