In a posting on social media platform Vero, filmmaker Zack Snyder has teased that his director’s cut of 2017’s “Justice League” could be getting a theatrical run.

The posting saw Snyder sharing an image of Ben Affleck’s Batman, along with a caption that read: “Want to see ZSJL on the big screen….stay tuned for a date”.

ZSJL of course refers to “Zack Snyder’s Justice League,” the four-hour cut of his superhero epic which was released on HBO Max in 2021 following a massive fan campaign allowing him to finish the film.

Snyder was originally directing the 2017 film but exited following the death of his daughter with Joss Whedon taking over. The result was a widely lambasted theatrical cut which was also a major box-office flop.

The 2021 ‘Snydercut’, which costs tens of millions to complete further post-production on, was Snyder’s original vision for the film and was far better reviewed.

This longer version had a brief theatrical run before, but only the black and white ‘Justice Is Gray Edition’ version of the film and only with a small IMAX run.

Despite the posting, Warner Bros. Discovery has yet to announce any official screenings or news that the movie would be getting a theatrical release.

The post Snyder’s “Justice League” Comes To Cinemas? appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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