A report at Rolling Stone (via The Wrap) has revealed that twelve writers and support staff have accused Steve Blackman, showrunner of Netflix’s acclaimed comic adaptation “The Umbrella Academy,” of a “long history of toxic, bullying, manipulative, and retaliatory behavior”.

The magazine reports that an HR complaint was filed in January 2023 with Blackman described as a “manipulative and chaotic showrunner” running a toxic workplace in which staffers were pitted against one another.

The complaint reportedly alleges he fired a female writing team (the pair split one salary as part of their deal) after one of the women gave birth, Blackman reportedly insisting he didn’t know she was pregnant despite an in-person interview in his office during her third trimester.

After the complaint was filed, Universal Content Productions launched an internal investigation and found Blackman to be clear of most of the allegations – the twelve who spoke to Rolling Stone directly deny the results and say they were not interviewed for the investigation.

Blackman’s representative has denied the allegations saying Blackman has overseen thousands of crew, actors, and writers in his time on the show and that:

“These allegations from a handful of disgruntled employees are completely false and outrageous, and in no way reflect the collaborative, respectful, and successful working environment Mr. Blackman has cultivated.”

The news comes ahead of the show’s fourth season, which is set to be its last, launching in August. The full report can be read over at Rolling Stone.

The post “Umbrella Academy” Showrunner Allegations Arise appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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