A British copyright filing appears to have revealed that the second film in Danny Boyle and Alex Garland’s upcoming “28 Years Later” trilogy, the entry that Nia DaCosta is set to direct, has apparently scored a title.

That filing, found by Coming Soon, indicates the film will be called “28 Years Later Part II: The Bone Temple”.

No plot specifics about the film have been revealed, but the title seems to hint at a potential cult regarding the virus.

Boyle has been shooting the first film of these sequels to “28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later” in Newcastle with star Jodie Comer revealing to Elle she’ll be taking on a Geordie accent for the movie and has been watching Cheryl on “The X Factor” to prepare.

Last month came the news that hundreds of extras were sought to play a hoard of rage-filled ‘zombies’ in crowd scenes. Aaron Taylor Johnson, Erin Kellyman, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O’Connell also star in the first film that releases in June next year.

DaCosta is expected to get to work on her second entry shortly after the first wraps production.

The post “28 Years Later” Sequel Gets A Title? appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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