After the third episode of the new “Star Wars” series “The Acolyte” received massive backlash online, it was hoped the fourth episode might see calmer heads prevail.

That didn’t happen. In fact, in the wake of the fourth episode, a lot of the discourse centered around one unexpected thing – a little-known character’s age.

The character in question is Ki-Adi-Mundi, the Conehead-esque elderly Jedi master in the background of the prequels who is best remembered a handful of lines and getting killed off in the prequels.

A younger version of the character surprisingly appeared in the show’s fourth episode which led to calls that he shouldn’t be there. The reasoning? It came down to an age mentioned in the no longer canon Expanded Universe material, and his in-canon remarks that the Sith had been extinct for a millennium.

The Jedi have no reason to believe the show’s main masked antagonist is a Sith at this point and the series hasn’t made it clear if he is or isn’t yet.

Things took a turn when Wookipedia, the “Star Wars” version of Wikipedia, was updated with details of his “The Acolyte” appearance. All of a sudden, the site’s authors and moderators revealed they had found themselves on the receiving end of abuse and threats – including death threats.

This level of trolling was just too much for some who have rallied around the the site with the hashtag #WeStandWithWookieepedia trending to stand up against those whose dissatisfaction with the series or its contents has gone too far and are attacking other fans.

The editors of the site have now received a great deal of support from the fandom who are standing up to the unreasonable behavior and hold out hope that maybe the fandom isn’t as toxic as has been suggested.

Source: CBM

The post “Acolyte” Backlash Gets Its Own Backlash appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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