Back in 2021, Warner Bros. Games and Monolith Productions (“Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor”) dropped a reveal trailer for a new game based on the DC Comics property “Wonder Woman”.

After multiple co-op and live service entries of late from DC including “Gotham Knights,” “MultiVersus,” and the disastrous “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League,” this seemed a return to form with a third-person, single-player campaign-driven title in the open-world action-adventure genre.

In fact, there was plenty of cheer when Warner Bros. Discovery made explicit statements that the game would be single-player and “set in a dynamic open world” and added “Wonder Woman is not being designed as a live service game”.

However the trailer at the time was a concept piece, not revealing much of anything from the game at all aside from Diana’s look.

Now, concept art and a synopsis from the game have leaked online and the excitement from fans is palpable, resulting in Wonder Woman trending on social media as of time of writing.

The art shows Diana battling both a Manticore and a new take on regular villain Cheetah, with one figure in the background potentially being Circe. Other art shows locations from the game, mostly Themyscira which seems more outright ancient Greek-influenced than the live-action films.

The leak, which appears to be tied to an online survey regarding the game, reportedly has the game’s plot revolving around Circe invading Themyscira with an army of monsters – cyclops, gorgons and more.

You play as Wonder Woman who returns home to fight Circe’s treachery and battle foes powered by Monolith’s famed Nemesis system. You also must repair your relationship with Queen Hippolyta and the other Amazonians who felt betrayed by your decision to leave the island.

The title will be coming to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. No word on a release date as yet.

The post New “Wonder Woman” Game Details Emerge appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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