DC Studios chief James Gunn has had to debunk a wild rumor that has been floating around regarding Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” sequel.

Scooper MyTimeToShineH broke the initial report which circulated and claimed that Reeves was intending to shoot the next two “The Batman” films back-to-back with the double film production kicking off next year.

That was quickly speculated as being one of the reasons the film, which was originally slated for an October 2025 release, was pushed back a year to late 2026 not too long ago.

Now, Gunn himself has reportedly debunked the rumor according to a screen captured social media response via DC Film News with Gunn replying “it is not” when asked if the back-to-back filming rumor was true.

“The Batman” misinformation does appear to be flying around a lot and, as scooper Jeff Sneider points out, none of it has shown one iota of legitimacy. He adds that people should “be patient with Reeves” which would suggest we can’t expect anything legitimate until Reeves himself says something.

Reeves’ “The Penguin” series spin-off kicks off later this year on Max which is likely when more information and discussion from Reeves himself about how the sequel is progressing will emerge.

The post Gunn Shoots Down “Batman” Filming Rumor appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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