Welcome, my flock, back to the Church Of The Last Movie Outpost where, I am afraid, once more we are forced to confront the evils of your sin. Some of you, particularly those of you who live alone, are sinning several times a day even at your age. Impressive… AND SHAMEFUL! And sinning, as we know, creates the stench of sin that must be removed. So it falls once again to me, the most reverend Reverend, to lead you into the light.
The last time I had a whiff of quite this much sinnery was when I was Pastor at Catholic boys boarding school spreading the gospel among the undeveloped tribes of the Amazon.
As Anchorman taught us that lady things attract bears, so does the sin of an Outposter attract the attention of The Goddess Gal Gadot, whom we shall worship as part of our journey through sin. She is ready to stand in judgment and in underwear over you all.
Today’s confessional subject is at the suggestion of one of the flock. A deeply troubled Outposter whom shall, for reasons of the sanctity of confidentiality, not be named as Longshanks.
He was partaking in a conversation just yesterday about Dungeons And Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and how everyone went into that movie expecting to be disappointed and found themselves rather liking it.
Expecting to not like something, but finding yourself enjoying it? This reminds me of the time I tried pegging visiting a Buddhist temple.
This led the member of our flock to suggest there may have been other times this has happened. So today’s confession asks:
Which movies did you go and see fully prepared to dislike them, only to be pleasantly surprised?
Hark, for the Goddess approaches, and the Booth is spread wide open ready to receive your sinful load. You must confess. CONFESS!
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