Nick Nolte, Bill Murray and new “Apes” movie star Owen Teague are all set for a film adaptation of Kim Zupan’s acclaimed neo-noir novel “The Ploughmen”.

“Westworld” and “The Abyss” star Ed Harris is set to direct the project which will go into production in Montana this Fall. Amy Madigan and Lily Harris are also set to star.

In the film John Gload (Nolte) is a killer so skilled that only now has he been apprehended. Val Millimaki (Teague) is low man in the Copper County Sheriff department.

As Val continues his unlucky streak of finding dead bodies, Sheriff (Murray) puts him on night duty to try and get Gload to reveal his past. Val finds much in common with his prisoner, and dangerously seeks counsel from him.

Harris, Ginger Sledge, Robert Knott, Claude Dal Farra and Brian Keady will produce. The project will be sold at the upcoming Cannes film market.

Source: THR

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