With the premiere of the first two episodes of the new season of “Doctor Who” this weekend, fans have already started discussing the easter eggs and hints of the bigger seasonal arc.

Whilst there have been obvious ones regarding the identity of the cloaked figure who left baby Ruby on a church doorstop, and who is ‘The One Who Waits’, the new episodes have brought up a few other bits.


Whilst there’s questions over who is ‘The Oldest One’ and how the ‘Harbinger’ boy is still out there and up to something, it’s actually an elderly actress who is garnering all the attention – Susan Twist.

The Liverpool-born Twist has appeared in four or the last five ‘Who’ episodes – she was Sir Isaac Newton’s maid in “Wild Blue Yonder,” an audience member in “The Church on Ruby Road,” a communications officer in “Space Babies,” and a Tea Lady in “The Devil’s Chord”.

The multiple appearances have quickly led to speculation she is tied to the seasonal mystery, giving the “There’s Always a Twist at the End” musical number even deeper meaning. Some have speculated she may be Susan Foreman, The Doctor’s granddaughter whose name was dropped in the most recent episode.

Showrunner Russell T. Davies has himself responded to the speculation, telling TV Line:

“There’s a number of women who keep reappearing – How can this be? Why are they mysterious? It’s a world in which there are mysterious neighbours. And the fascinating thing about Susan Twist is that she seems to be playing a different person every time. How can that be?

I have no idea, you’ll have to come back and watch… Don’t worry, they (The Doctor and Ruby) will soon start looking the right way. We’ll reveal a little bit more every single week. Again, there’s a climax to that, which is not what you’re expecting. It’s great.”

None of Twist’s appearances have impacted the story as yet, but the inclusion matches the way Davies similarly threaded the ‘Bad Wolf’, ‘Torchwood’, ‘Saxon’ and ‘Stars Going Out’ elements throughout seasons of his prior tenure on the show.

“Doctor Who” will continue to air through until late June on the Disney+ service.

The post “Doctor Who” Hiding Twist With A ‘Twist’ appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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