Electronic Arts, the publisher that occasionally gets caught up in controversy over the way it gets money out of players, appears to be up to its old tricks.

The Verge and Nasdaq reports that company CEO Andrew Wilson is working on their next generation of in-game ads. Speaking on the company’s quarterly earning call, an analyst asked specifically about the “market opportunity for more dynamic ad insertion across more traditional AAA games”.

Wilson had a response to that, indicating they’re already working on it: “We have teams internally in the company right now looking at how do we do very thoughtful implementations inside of our game experiences.”

He reportedly adds that it’s “still early on that front” and bigger ad opportunities lay “beyond the bounds” of the games themselves and how they think about “advertising as a growth driver in those types of experiences?”.

The company’s earlier attempt to display in-game commercials with “UFC 4” back in 2020 received a backlash as full-screen in-game ads for Amazon’s “The Boys” drew harsh criticism from players criticising that the commercials were disrupting their game.

Several years before that, EA was caught up in the loot boxes scandal over “Star Wars Battlefront II” with its pay-to-win elements that generated so much uproar it led to stronger scrutiny overall regarding microtransactions in games.

The post EA Considering In-Game Ads Again appeared first on Dark Horizons.

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