Originally ordered to series at Max, then sold to Netflix, the full-length trailer has arrived for the upcoming supernatural series “Dead Boy Detectives” based on the DC Comics title. The characters, created by Neil Gaiman, are set in “The Sandman” universe. Edwin Payne (George Rexstrew) and Charles Rowland (Jayden Revri)
Assassin’s Creed: Origins’ Abubakar Salim Still Wants a Bayek and Aya Sequel
When Assassin’s Creed: Origins was released at the tail-end of October 2017, it came during a moment of transition and epiphany for the long-running video game franchise. After being launched a decade earlier, almost to the day, there had been a new Assassin’s Creed title virtually every year from the
Star Trek: Discovery’s Sonequa Martin-Green on the Past and Future of Michael Burnham
“Between season 1 and season 5 is an entire life.” That’s a real understatement on the part of Sonequa Martin-Green in an interview with Den of Geek magazine, describing the five-season and seven-year journey of her character Michael Burnham, the protagonist of Star Trek: Discovery. When we first met Burnham
Dev Patel’s Journey from Real Martial Arts Medalist to Monkey Man Badass
Before he became a professional actor, Dev Patel was a competitive martial artist. Really. The British-born son of Indian immigrants took up Taekwondo at the age of 10 in a neighborhood dojo where he’d go on to earn a black belt. Furthermore, only three years prior to his breakout on
When the old version of the website had its… ahem… issue, there were tears over some of our lost work. Now, Xenu be praised! For we have some back, like this one. Another Hollywood History. We travel back to a time still fresh in our minds, but that is unbelievably