How is it forty years since 1984?? Well, that’s just how time works, my friends. It was a time before mobile phones. Before the internet. Before we got worried about and then forgot about Y2K. It was the year in which George Orwell envisioned a world of doublethink, room 101 and Big Brother. And it was several years before Room 101 and Big Brother would come to mean TV shows and not dystopian ideals. But we digress…
Fortunately, the very nature of films is that the passing of time does not erode the quality of a classic movie, and even more fortunately, 1984 was absolutely packed with them.
We have rounded up some of the best loved films across multiple genres from action, horror and comedy to family films and epics. All you have to do is identify the film from the quote.
So if you are old enjoy to remember this awesome year in the movies then you might just ace our quiz. And even if you are not, try your hand at spotting these corkers from decades of yore. They don’t make ’em like they used to…
“Ah, dessert! Chilled monkey brains”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomThe Muppets Take ManhattanA Nightmare on Elm StreetGhostbusters
“Jim… your name is Jim”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
Star Trek III: The Search for SpockSupergirlThis is Spinal TapSplash
“Now I have another reason to hate Christmas”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
GremlinsDuneThe TerminatorBeverly Hills Cop
“Sweep the leg”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
The Karate KidStar Trek III: The Search for SpockThe Muppets Take ManhattanDune
“You hear that, New York? I’m staying here. The frog is staying!”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
The Muppets Take ManhattanA Nightmare on Elm StreetPolice AcademyRomancing the Stone
“Your clothes… give them to me now”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the Gif above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
The TerminatorParis, TexasThis Is Spinal TapGremlins
“In the beginning, it is always dark”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
The NeverEnding StoryBlood SimpleRomancing the StoneThe Muppets Take Manhattan
“He’s my cousin”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
SupergirlBlood SimplePolice AcademyStar Trek III: The Search for Spock
“Put your right hand in the box”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
DuneParis, TexasGremlinsBeverly Hills Cop
“We’re not gonna fall for a banana in the tailpipe”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
Beverly Hills CopRomancing the StonePolice AcademyThe Karate Kid
“We came. We saw. We kicked its ass”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
GhostbustersThis Is Spinal TapThe TerminatorSupergirl
“Eleven. Exactly. One louder”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
This Is Spinal TapDuneGremlinsStar Trek III: The Search for Spock
“All my life I’ve been waiting for someone, and when I find her, she’s a fish”
<p>(Just to make it tougher, the GIF above is from a totally different 1984 movie)</p>
SplashThe Muppets Take ManhattanIndiana Jones and the Temple of DoomRomancing the Stone
The post QUIZ: Guess the 1984 Movie from the Quote appeared first on Den of Geek.