The post The One Where I Met Your Mother: Season Six, Episode Twenty: “The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.”/”The Exploding Meatball Sub” appeared first on Battleship Pretension.
Natalie and David land a new job with Joey in “The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.” and quit an old job with Marshall in “The Exploding Meatball Sub.”
Friends season six, episode twenty, “The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.”:
Primarily composed of clips from earlier shows, Joey auditions for a major television role but Chandler almost ruins everything.
How I Met Your Mother season six, episode twenty, “The Exploding Meatball Sub”:
Despite Zoey still opposing the new GNB headquarters being built on the Arcadian Hotel site, Ted and Zoey’s personal relationship is thriving. That issue is only one of the many disagreements in their life, which Ted likens to the two challenging each other mentally. On the other hand, he sees Marshall and Lily’s relationship as being boring, as they agree on everything to the point of them almost melding into one person. Lily and Marshall, on the other hand, see their relationship as being supportive, the way that relationships should be, whereas they see Ted and Zoey’s relationship as being too much work to the point of being mentally exhausting. But Marshall quitting his job at GNB to work in a non-paying volunteer position at the NRDC and Zoey managing to get the Landmark Preservation Society to agree to a hearing over the GNB project may change everything on both sides. Meanwhile, Barney seems to be taking Marshall leaving GNB the hardest. He admits to Robin that his anger regarding Marshall’s departure has to do with a meatball sub.
The One Where I Met Your Mother is a podcast about Friends and How I Met Your Mother. Every week, Natalie and David watch one episode of each and discuss, looking for similarities, differences, great jokes and notable costumes as well as making predictions about where the shows are heading and looking at what was going on in the world when they originally aired
Battleship Pretension is a film discussion show and a film review website founded by Tyler Smith and David Bax. Beginning in March 2007, Battleship Pretension the show (known to fans simply as “BP”) embodies the type of laidback, free-flowing conversations had by lovers of film around the world. Battleship Pretension the website is dedicated to being a destination for those seeking worthwhile opinions on current releases, be they foreign, independent, studio pictures, theatrical, home video releases, etc. From its meager beginnings in Los Angeles, Battleship Pretension has amassed a worldwide audience and readership. From Germany to Korea to Australia, people have tuned in to share in Tyler and David’s love of film. As Battleship Pretension’s following continues to grow, the purpose remains the same: Reach out to the international cinephile community, invite them to join in the discussion and perhaps even start one of their own.
The post The One Where I Met Your Mother: Season Six, Episode Twenty: “The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.”/”The Exploding Meatball Sub” first appeared on Battleship Pretension.
The post The One Where I Met Your Mother: Season Six, Episode Twenty: “The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.”/”The Exploding Meatball Sub” appeared first on Battleship Pretension.