Paramount Animation has released the trailer for the CG animated musical adventure comedy “Under the Boardwalk” starring the voices of Michael Cera and Keke Palmer. When timid land crab townie Armen meets bold tourist sea crab Ramona, it causes shell-shocking tension in the community under the boardwalk at the Jersey
Crunchyroll Joins Prime Video Channels
Popular anime service Crunchyroll is set to become a Prime Video Channel on Amazon starting today in the U.S. and rolling out this week and into 2024 in international territories. Both companies have announced a global distribution agreement allowing Amazon to offer Crunchyroll as an optional add-on service amidst its
Marvel’s Kevin Feige Reveals Which Series Are Canon To The MCU
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has always been a hotbed for debate over its “canon.” Marvel’s Kevin Feige recently cleared the air in a new book called Marvel Studios: The Marvel Cinematic Universe – An Official Timeline. Since the days of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., fans have argued what is canon to
“Freddy’s” Tracking For $50M+ Opening
Box-office estimates for this coming weekend’s film adaptation of the “Five Nights at Freddy’s” video game franchise have shot upwards again. This past weekend, tracking was suggesting the film was headed for a $40 million opening weekend which would make it the second-best opening of the Fall thus far behind
Payne: Today’s Films Are “Too Damn Long”
As the topic of movie runtimes has come up again recently amongst cinephiles thanks to the success of “Oppenheimer” and more recently “Killers of the Flower Moon,” another famed filmmaker has weighed in. “Sideways” and “About Schmidt” director Alexander Payne agrees with the sentiment that some films these days are