Max has renewed its “Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake” spin-off series for a second season. A follow-up to Cartoon Network’s “Adventure Time” which ran from 2010-2018, the series follows Fionna (Madeleine Martin) and her sidekick Cake (Roz Ryan) who find themselves in the crosshairs of a powerful new foe and
Pixar’s “Soul,” “Luca,” “Red” To Hit Cinemas
Pixar’s “Soul,” “Luca” and “Turning Red” are all set to get theatrical releases according to THR. All three films, which bypassed the big screen and went straight to Disney+ because of the pandemic – will be coming to cinemas across early next year duing the quieter first quarter of the
How Frontiers of Pandora Honors and Evolves Avatar’s Legacy
Jake Sully bonding with his dragon-like Ikran and soaring across the skies of Pandora is one of the most iconic scenes from 2009’s Avatar. Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment’s new video game, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, lets players tame their own Ikran first-hand, but there’s an undercurrent to the game’s depiction
John Oliver Gets A Three-Season Renewal
HBO has picked up its acclaimed comedy series “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” for three more seasons, the renewal taking the weekly late-night show through to a thirteenth season in 2026. The series won the last seven Emmy Awards for best variety talk series and received as many Emmys
‘Deadpool 3’ Set Photos Reveal Multiple MCU Multiverse Connections
Deadpool 3 is shaping up to be one of the biggest crossovers in the last few years. Set photos from the film tease connections from across the MCU multiverse. With the SAG-AFTRA strike now concluded, filming has resumed for Deadpool 3. Brand new set photos reveal a number of surprising